Europees Parlement beoordeelt Pools Voorzitterschap overwegend positief (en)

Irrespective of their political persuasion, group leaders praised the policy achievements of the Hungarian Presidency. At the same time, the effect of certain Hungarian domestic controversies on the success of the presidency split the political groups.

Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orbán evaluated his country's rotating presidency in the plenary today, a few days after he had passed the baton to the Polish government for the upcoming six months. Referring to the Hungarian presidency's slogan "strong Europe", he said "Europe is stronger today than it was half a year ago."

The conclusion of Croatia's EU accession negotiations, the adoption of a new Roma strategy, progress on the economic governance package, the creation of the Danube strategy, and the agreement on a European patent system were all mentioned by MEPs as important achievements of the Hungarian presidency.

At the same time, speakers from the left of the House brought up the subject of the Hungarian media law and the new constitution, expressing their regret that such domestic issues had cast a shadow over the presidency's performance.

You can watch the recording of the debate via the Video on Demand service (link below).