[autom.vertaling] Het handvest van de kwaliteit voor studentenmobiliteit die door het Comité van de Cultuur en van het Onderwijs wordt goedgekeurd (en)

donderdag 13 juli 2006

Cultuur - 13-07-2006 - 02:07

The Culture and Education Committee agrees with the Commission that, more than a million young students having lived so far in another member state as part of their studies, it is time to introduce a European Quality Charter for Mobility in education. In a report adopted on Thursday, it approved the proposal, with amendments including a call to meet the specific needs of disabled people and disadvantaged groups.

MEPs in the committee say that programmes such as Erasmus are one of the few EU actions to have an identity recognisable to a very large number of citizens. They believe these programmes, which cover schools and universities, as well as vocational and adult education, have contributed to the development of a sense of European citizenship. In adopting by a large majority a first-reading report from Christa Prets (PES, DE), they therefore warmly welcome Commission proposals for a Quality Charter on Mobility which would lead to greater efficiency in all types of organised mobility for learning purposes.

The proposed charter consists of ten practical guidelines covering the period from departure to the stay and the return. The ten guidelines refer to information and guidance, learning plans, general preparation, personalisation, linguistic aspects, logistical support and monitoring.

MEPs in the committee approved amendments demanding that the specific needs of people with disabilities and disadvantaged groups had to be taken into account. Another amendment says that, under the charter, a learning plan should be drawn up in advance with particular emphasis on linguistic preparation. MEPs are also recommending that, in order to encourage mobility, it should be possible to transfer government loans and/or grants to the host country.


Committee on Culture and Education

Chair : Nikolaos Sifunakis (PES, EL)

Procedure: Co-decision, first reading

Plenary vote: September I, Strasbourg


REF.: 20060710IPR09723