Frans-Duits overleg vlak voor Europese Raad (en)

Two days before the EU summit on the Constitution, France and Germany have called upon member states to put EU interests above national ones.

French President Jacques Chirac and the German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, meeting in Paris on Tuesday (9 December) made it clear to Poland and Spain, who are opposing the introduction of a new voting system, that they will not accept "just any agreement" on the Constitution.

The two leaders also called upon member states not to place national interests above the European cause.

Mr Schröder emphasised that if the summit broke up without agreement, France and Germany would press ahead with closer European integration on their own.

Blair involved

The meeting in Paris has put increased pressure on UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

According to the Telegraph, Mr Blair has arranged to meet Chancellor Schröder and President Chirac on Friday before the summit to try to narrow their differences.

Although he is said to be keen for a deal, Mr Blair will fight hard for the important issues for the UK - such as the right to a veto on tax policy and on foreign policy.

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