President Tsjechië spreekt zich uit tegen Europese Grondwet (en)

The President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus has said he would rather not have a European Constitution at all.

Mr Klaus was meeting Prime Minister Vladimir Spidla to voice his critical stance towards the idea of the European Constitution, which is set to be approved by the end of the week in Brussels.

"I would really be happier if no such constitution were adopted at all", the Czech President said.

Mr Klaus, who earlier declined to take part in the opening of the IGC meeting in Rome, on 4 October, also fears that the Constitution could change the EU into a different institution from the one on which the Czechs voted in their EU membership referendum earlier this year.

The Czech President is not so much concerned with the disputed points in the talks such as the composition of the European Commission and the voting system but rather with the broader picture.

"My view on the issue is wider, I feel far greater apprehension against the approval of the European Constitution as such, and against the fact that it would mean a very radical and noticeable transformation of the current European arrangement", he said.

The Czech President's comments come just ahead of a meeting of EU leaders in Brussels on 12-13 December to try and finalise a deal on the Constitution.

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