Verklaring Barroso bij uitkomsten Ierse referendum over verdrag stabiliteit, coördinatie en governance in EMU (en)

I very much welcome the outcome of the Irish referendum on the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance. I gave my personal congratulations to the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, and to the Irish people, earlier today.

Irish citizens have participated in an intense debate on the Treaty and on what it will mean for them.

This Treaty is a key component of the EU's response to the current economic crisis. Restoring sustainability to public finances remains an important objective. I know that many voiced their concerns about the need for growth during the campaign. The European Commission believes that stability and growth go together and that we cannot have one without the other. The Commission will continue to build on its agenda for structural reform and targeted investment to boost growth. Earlier this week we published proposals designed to get the EU growing again which we hope will be strongly supported in Ireland.

Ireland has established a strong track record in implementing its EU/IMF Financial Programme. Today's vote represents a significant step towards Ireland's economic recovery and its place at the heart of the EU.