Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité organiseert openbare hoorzitting nieuwe meerjarenbegroting (en)

High level hearing provides opportunity for exchange with European organized civil society

The EESC has organized a public hearing on the and the proposals for the next multiannual financial framework. This hearing will be conducted with the participation of the Commissioner responsible for the Budget, Janusz Lewandowski, and the rapporteur of the European Parliament's special committee Salvador Garriga Polledo.

With its recent communication, the European Commission has initiated a discussion process that will culminate at the end of June with the legal proposal for the next multiannual financial framework.

EESC rapporteur Henri Malosse (Employers Group, France) and co-rapporteur Gérard Dantin (Workers Group, France) will present the ongoing work on the related EESC opinion to be voted on in the plenary session of 15/16 June 2011. The EESC is very much in line with the Commission and is particularly supporting the proposal to base EU financing again on own resources of the Union and to put an end to the rebates of certain Member States. "The EU Budget must not be based on the principle of net contributions ('juste retour)'", says Henri Malosse. "At the same time, the burden on the EU citizen for the EU Budget should not increase," states Gérard Dantin.

The hearing shall provide a forum for an exchange of views with key players in view of the preparation of the next multiannual financial framework. The EESC wants to make sure that organized civil society takes part in shaping the outcome and has organized this hearing that involves European civil society organizations representing a large variety of civil society sectors such as Businesseurope, Eurochambres, EuroCommerce, UEAPME, ETUC, the European Women's Lobby, the European Youth Forum, the International European Movement, SOLIDAR, BEUC, Green 10 and many others.

The hearing will take place at the EESC premises on Monday 21 March 2011 at 2.30 p.m.

Venue: EESC building, Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Bruxelles

For further information, please contact:

Gerald Klec

EESC ECO - Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion

Tel. + 32-2-546-9909, Fax. + 32-2-546-8227
