Verklaring van EESC: ook wij moeten bezuinigen (en)

The Bureau of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) yesterday adopted a draft budget which would, if approved by the budgetary authority, constitute a real-term decrease in its 2012 funding.

"The Committee's draft 2012 Budget would limit our expenditure in 2012 to an increase of 1.5% (EUR 1.9 million, for a total budget of EUR 130.5 million) which, given an estimated inflation rate of about 2%, would constitute a reduction in real terms", said Jacek Krawczyk, EESC Vice-President with responsibility for the budget. Recalling the situation in the Member States, where austerity measures are kicking in, Krawczyk explained that the EESC, as the EU body representing organised civil society, had clearly and unanimously decided to act accordingly.

Among proposed measures, the EESC decided that it would work within existing human resources, focusing on administrative efficiency, in which context Mr. Krawczyk stressed the crucial importance of a continuous review of existing resources, including the possible redeployment, synergies and prioritisation. "