Conferentie over Leader+-programma op 22-23 november 2007 (en)

The European Commission is organising a Leader+ final conference which will take place in Evora, Portugal on 22-23 November 2007; the event will commemorate the end of the Leader Community Initiative after three programming periods (1991-93, 1994-99, 2000-06).

During the conference, Local Action Groups will be showcasing the diversity of successful rural development projects in their territories, underlining the value of a truly local approach to stimulating innovation, tourism and economic growth and jobs in rural Europe. The two-day event will be crowned by the presentation of awards to territories represented during the conference, who act as ambassadors for the other national Local Action Groups. These awards will be presented on site by Mariann Fischer Boel, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, who will also deliver a key note speech.

The main aim of the conference is to demonstrate and communicate the important role played by Local Action Groups in ensuring a green and vibrant European countryside through case studies chosen from 16 Member States. Under the Leader approach, the European Commission provides financial support to the Local Action Groups' efforts to tailor and implement multi-sectoral local development strategies for their own rural communities. Under the new programming period (2007-2013) the Leader approach has been integrated into the Rural Development Programmes funded by the EAFRD; six percent of the € 88 billion EU contribution for the rural development budget has been earmarked for Leader projects.

In connection with the planned workshops, debates, exhibitions and field visits, there will also be a great opportunity for the 500-plus participants, representing LAGs, regional and local authorities, policy makers, NGOs, the European Union, scholars and experts from the United States, Latin America and South Africa to network, share experiences and ideas and find inspiration for joint projects.

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