Conclusies informele EU-ministerraad in Wenen over publieksvoorlichting vogelpest (en)

Common risk assessment and proactive communication to combat the disease

At an informal meeting of European Health Ministers on Friday in Vienna, Austria's Health Minister Maria Rauch-Kallat focused on EU-wide coordination of information policy on avian influenza. "The best way to protect the public from this disease is by conducting a proactive, transparent information policy which gives a realistic assessment of the situation and communicates the measures taken and planned, as well as telling people what they can do to protect themselves", the Minister said at a press conference. "The public must be clearly told that the risk of infection primarily depends on one's own behaviour. The cases of avian flu in humans in Asian countries and in Turkey could have been prevented if the population had been sufficiently informed about the risk of infection."

Following an assessment of the situation and of the risk in Europe and the wider world, Rauch-Kallat presented Austria's communication strategy in the fight against avian flu as an example of best practice. Work was currently in progress, for example, on an info pack for small children and for children at all Austrian schools and kindergartens. "Identified risk groups such as doctors, veterinarians and poultry farmers, but also children, the elderly and travellers, will be the target of a specific information campaign in future", the Health Minister said.

  • 1. 
    The Health Ministers were in agreement at the meeting that swift, coordinated action was required within the European Union in order to combat successfully the epizootic disease avian influenza.
  • 2. 
    The delegates also noted that the recent cases of H5N1 in wild birds and poultry within the EU currently present a small risk to the public, albeit one that should not be underestimated, and that further developments must be closely monitored.
  • 3. 
    Close cooperation with international organisations ensures synergies in the transfer of knowledge and experience.
  • 4. 
    Information to the public must be tailored to specific target groups and based on the latest scientific findings. It was agreed that open, transparent communication with clear messages and comprehensive seminars for the media about the possible risks were expedient.
  • 5. 
    The ministers concurred that it is particularly important for all political levels involved in the fight against avian influenza "to speak with one voice" and to respond accordingly to future challenges.