Europees Verbond van Vakverenigingen klaagt over geringe bescherming werknemers op Europese markten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Centrum van overheidsbedrijven (CEEP), gepubliceerd op vrijdag 20 januari 2006.


Press release03/2006

Too much "flexi", not enough "xicurity"

in the EU labour markets

In his intervention at the informal social troika under the Austrian presidency mainly devoted to the theme of "flexicurity", Rainer Plassmann, Secretary General of CEEP, called upon those in power to make that word a reality:

The level of flexibility is growing in the EU labour markets. As a paradox, the most flexible form of work is undeclared work. More should be done by national and European institutions to fight it.

This would imply to develop the "security" aspect. To reach that goal, labour market instruments are not enough. They have to be accompanied by sound macro-economic policies, such as increased investments in public infrastructures in the field of education and healthcare.

Only with good, flexible and efficient social systems can you reach a stable boost of European economies, as optimised social systems and public services are the basis for reviving consumers' confidence and consumption.

To make "flexicurity" a reality is also an obligation for public employers and SGI providers, which have to adapt their work organisation to external pressures. Globalisation and the ageing of the population, but also privatisation, have an impact not only on the workforce but also on the services to provide. Therefore CEEP is currently evaluating the human resource implications of public services and SGI modernisation in Europe;

However, public service employers cannot reach the goal of delivering optimised services in a changing labour market if they are not supported by efficient legislation. The current deadlock in the Working Time Directive is not sustainable anymore for public service employers. It is urgent that the solution of the inactive on-call period is implemented if we do not want essential services for European citizens to be out of service.