Informele Raad sprak over "flexicurity", vergrijzing en kinderarmoede (en)

Council President and Minister for Social Security, Ursula Haubner, outlined the following today during the concluding Presidency press conference of the informal meeting of the Ministers for Employment and Social Affairs: "We are in agreement that the social dimension must be further strengthened.  This is also an important step for bolstering confidence in the EU."  Thus in parallel to the promotion of employment it was also necessary to have a policy for those who are on the fringes of society.

"In addition to linking economic growth and employment with the social dimension, there are also the areas of equal opportunity and social inclusion", said Minister Haubner.  In order to achieve these objectives, a broad involvement of stakeholders and representatives at local and regional level was necessary.  "We should administer less, but do more in areas apparent to people.  We consequently need to improve the partnership among the Member States of the European Union", explained Ms Haubner while referring to the importance of social practice in this area.

Another subject of today's meeting was demographic development, the President reported.  "We do not just regard this development as negative, but also recognise the opportunities of active old age", she stated.  Nevertheless, it was important to take measures in the area of long-term care. 

The discussion also focused on the threat of child poverty, above all for children of single parents.  "We are in agreement that appropriate family support is necessary here", said Ms Haubner, who referred, by way of example, to special programmes for young people with handicaps.  In this area also, the partnership between the Member States must be strengthened.  "We should not just talk about the social face of Europe, we must also make it visible", concluded Ms Haubner.