Informele Raad legt nadruk op behoud sociale zekerheid (en)

"The EPSCO meeting has got off to a successful start.

Broad agreement has been reached among

  • the representatives of the social partners,
  • the troika, and
  • the social platform

that economic growth and jobs are inconceivable without social security", Council President Ursula Haubner, the Social Affairs Minister, said on Thursday evening at the Informal Meeting of Employment and Social Affairs Ministers.

"The start of these discussions sends a clear message that important processes for a partnership on the broadest possible basis have been set in train under the Austrian Presidency", she continued. The Council President described the representatives of civil society as key players. According to Haubner, the day's discussions with the involvement of the NGOs set a clear example.

It was now important not only to formulate the necessary objectives, but also to implement them. The minister specified securing pensions in the long term, combating of poverty and health care as the key objectives. "We must set the course in order to get these basic parameters anchored in the national reform programmes", the minster said. "Europe should not be content with making a declaration of intent, but our plans should also have a tangible effect. Today we have done some good ground work for this,"Haubner stressed.