Polen voert lobby voor opname christelijke waarden in Grondwet (en)

The controversial issue of whether there should be a reference to Christianity in the future EU constitution might be gaining support.

According to Jan Truszczynski, Polish deputy minister for foreign affairs, around 10 countries from the future 25, support a reference to Christian values and tradition in the preamble of the Constitution, Ansa reported.

Mr Truszczynski however admitted on Friday that this issue remains an "open but difficult" one, and where it is "difficult to image a compromise" due to the different opinions amongst the countries.

Poland has been strongly pushing to have a reference to the Christian heritage in the text, but this has been opposed by some of the current EU states, among them France and Belgium.

Whilst addressing the issue of the Constitution talks to polish deputies, Mr Truszczynski said that the Polish government will push so that the balance between the big and small EU countries is respected in the voting mechanisms of the council.

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