Bolkestein ziet Turkije in 2016 toetreden tot de EU (en)

Frits Bolkestein, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, said yesterday (18 March) that he expects Turkey to become an EU member in 2016.

Speaking in the Dutch parliament, Bolkestein stated that "if he were allowed to fantasise a little bit", accession negotiations with Ankara could be started as early as 2006. The Turks could then enter the EU around ten years later.

This would rule out starting negotiations next year, as Turkey expects.

Bolkestein stressed that a rejection of Turkish membership at this stage would be unjust. The Commissioner said, "You cannot tell a country which has applied for membership 40 years ago, 'sorry, we're closed'. That would be an unseemly policy".

Turkey has had an association treaty with the EU since 1963. The treaty was meant to "facilitate the accession of Turkey to the [European] Community at a later date".

But Mr Bolkestein appears to have changed his views on the subject.

In his recently published book "The limits of Europe", the Dutch Commissioner still suggested that Turkey should stay out of the EU by writing that Turkey should act as a "buffer" protecting Europe from Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Second term?

Mr Bolkestein also indicated yesterday that he will probably decide before next June whether or not to apply for a second term as a Commissioner. The 70-year old Commissioner is still in doubt. In October last year, he said that he was "absolutely available", but recently he has indicated he might want to spend his time writing more books.

If Mr Bolkestein decides to apply for a second term, the centre-right Dutch cabinet is expected to support him.

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