Duitse, Deense en Belgische premiers bekritiseren woud aan EU-regels die ondernemerschap belemmeren (en)

The leaders of Germany, Belgium and Denmark have written a joint letter to the European Commission and Irish EU Presidency calling on a reduction in the amount of obstacles to competition among businesses.

According to FT Deutschland, the letter from German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, Danish leader Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt criticises the laws that come out of Brussels.

Many of them, particularly in combination with others, "strangle" companies and "disadvantage them in international competition".

The letter also accuses the Commission of over-regulation.

Sent to Commission President Romano Prodi and current head of the EU Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern, the joint letter aims at setting the agenda for an up-coming summit between EU leaders later this month.

This Summit, on 25-26 March, is to focus on Europe's economy and specifically making good Europe's promise of four years ago to become the world's most dynamic economy by 2010.

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