Europees Parlement gaat na 1 mei stemmen over ontwerp-Grondwet (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - A group of MEPs from across the political spectrum have called for the EU Constitution to be adopted by the European Parliament if member states fail to reach an agreement on the text.

The declaration initiated by MEPs from four of the biggest groups in the parliament proposes that "if the governments have not reached agreement on a draft before 1 May 2004 - as they have been asked - then the draft Constitutional treaty, [...] should be symbolically put to the vote and adopted by Parliament in a formal sitting".

"It is a way of trying to inject some impulse into the whole Constitution", said UK liberal MEP Diana Wallis.

She added that after talks failed on the Constitution in December, "we [MEPS] were suddenly left with our citizens on the sidelines ... we want something to happen".

Although Ms Wallis confessed that there had been more interest in the initiative than she had expected, not everyone is taken with the idea.

The leader of the British Conservatives in the European Parliament, Jonathan Evans said, "They are effectively blackmailing the Council into a premature agreement".

Aside from Ms Wallis, centre-right MEP Thierry Cornillet, Green MEP Monica Frassoni, Socialist MEP Jo Leinen and Mariotto Segni from Union for Europe of the Nations have all put their names to the action.

However, hopes that a deal may be reached soon on a Constitution have been given a boost by a conciliatory move by Germany on the contested voting system.

A mooted compromise position which would allay smaller member states' fears of larger countries forcing through decisions in a future EU has been confirmed by German MEPs Klaus Hänsch (PSE) and Elmar Brok (EPP).

Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said on Tuesday, according to agency reports, that his country was committed to the system proposed in the Constitution (known as double majority) but added "we are open to proposals from the (EU) presidency that are based on this principle, and which would bring movement on this issue".

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