EU-Voorzitterschap stelt artikelen voor inzake Verdragswijzigingen (en)

In addition to the usual general revision clause (article 48 TEU), the draft constitution contains three types of provisions intended to revise the treaty directly, or to allow for further development; specific "bridging clauses" (passerelles), general "bridging clauses" and specific clauses. A number of delegations do not accept these provisions and the Presidency has thus made a proposition which takes into account the different views of the delegations.

Regarding the general "bridging clauses", the concern of many delegations is that they open the way for important procedural changes, without the security of a role for national parliaments. The presidency proposes to insert a precision, which secures that the clause can only be used on condition that no objections have been raised within a certain period of time, by at least one third of national parliaments.

On the general revision clause, several delegations seek a procedure that is lighter, but at the same time more limited in scope. The Presidency proposes to apply different systems for revision according to the subject of the provisions.

CIG 46/03

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