Duitse minister wenst verwijzing naar islam in de EU-grondwet (en)

The future EU Constitution could have a reference to Islam, believes German interior minister, Otto Schily.

According to Austrian media reports, Mr Schily yesterday (30 October) said that the influence of the Islamic tradition on European civilisation could be put in the Constitution.

The minister also said he was sure the preamble of the Constitution could have a reference to Europe's Judeo-Christian roots.

Mr Schily was speaking at a meeting of EU interior ministers and religious representatives for a "European Conference On Inter-religious Dialogue" in Rome.

At the same meeting, Italian Interior Minister Giuseppe Pisanu launched a proposal for a European charter on religious dialogue and social cohesion.

Mr Pisanu said a vigilant watch must be kept over tolerance and liberty, according to Ansa.

"To defend these principles, we have to be ready, when necessary, to apply the law with force".

This requires a constant "readiness for dialogue, for compromise and for 'happy contamination'".

The issue of religion and whether there should be a reference to God in Europe's Constitution has been one of the most controversial points in the negotiations on the text.

Currently, around ten countries support a reference to Christianity - something which is equally strongly opposed by secular countries such as France.

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