[autom.vertaling] Polen valt de regels van de EU voor Oostelijk Duitsland aan (en)

The Polish government is calling into question EU provisions on aid to Eastern parts of Germany.

Articles 56 and 141 of the third part of the draft Constitution worked out by the European Convention in July regard aid granted to the economy of certain areas of the former East Germany as compatible with EU rules.

These provisions were included in previous EU treaties in order to allow the government in Berlin to compensate for the economic disadvantages caused by the division of Germany in areas of state aid and rules for competition in transport.

Officially Poland does not want to delete provisions favorable for Germany but rather aims to enlarge the group of countries' benefits from the special provisions to include all the new EU states.

In its questionnaire sent to the Italian Presidency, Warsaw proposed that the two articles be extended to "all regions affected by the division of Europe after the second world war".

The issue is to be dealt with at today's meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels in the framework of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) on the Constitution.

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