Speculaties over val van Raffarin na het referendum (en)

Almost half of French citizens (45 per cent) would like their prime minister to be changed after the referendum on the EU Constitution, on 29 May.

Whatever the result of the referendum, only 40 per cent of those polled want Jean-Pierre Raffarin to remain prime minister, according to a poll published in left-leaning daily Libération on Tuesday (10 May).

Nicolas Sarkozy, currently at the head of the ruling UMP party, would be the best alternative to Jean-Pierre Raffarin according to 36 per cent of the people questioned.

Mr Sarkozy is followed by Interior Minister Dominique De Villepin (17 per cent) and Defence Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie (14 per cent).

The French debate on the EU Constitution has become entangled in debates over different issues, as well as growing dissatisfaction with the government.

The current prime minister has not been very popular in recent months, but President Jacques Chirac has opted not to move him.

This had lead some to express the fear that Mr Raffarin's intervention in favour of the EU Constitution could harm the yes campaign.

The poll shows, however, that 57 per cent of those questioned think the prime minister's involvement in the yes campaign has influenced neither the yes nor the no camp.

Only 24 per cent believe he has had positive influence on yes voters while 16 per cent think he has had a role in the rise of the no.

Also, most of those questioned do not believe the government's policy will change after 29 May (66 per cent), whereas 20 per cent think it will alter if the no camp prevails during the referendum.

The poll was carried out on 2 and 4 May by the BVA Institute, and 956 people were questioned.

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