Stemming werktijden-richtlijn voor truckers uitgesteld (en)

The Directive on working time for road transport workers is further delayed amid disagreement between MEPs from the Employment Committee on whether to apply the rules to self-employed drivers.

The European Parliament's Employment Committee decided Wednesday to refer a vote on the proposal by the Commission for a new directive on working time for road transport workers, to its next meeting on 29/09 in Brussels.

The European Parliament had come to a position in plenary in May when it adopted a report rejecting the Commission's proposal to exclude self-employed drivers from the scope of the directive.

On 29/09, if committee MEPs adopt Edit BAUER's (EPP, Hungary) report on the Commission's proposed Directive, the European Parliament's plenary position will be considered confirmed. If Mrs Bauer's report is rejected, a new report will be drafted and the debate reopened in committee.


In the chair : Brian SIMPSON (S-D, UK)