Party for the Animals urges European Commission to take preventive action on future pandemics

Met dank overgenomen van Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 22 maart 2020, 12:03.

Besides preventing the spread of the current coronavirus it is of vital importance to tackle its underlying causes and to prevent future pandemics. Party for the Animal MEP Anja Hazekamp urged the European Commission to take more preventive action and called for a complete ban on the trade and consumption of wild animals.

Diseases such as ebola, influenza, SARS and Q fever come from animals. The current COVID virus (the SARS coronavirus 2) also finds its origins in animals, before the infection from human to human occurred.

People keep billions of animals in mega stalls.

People trade in animal species that actually belong in the wild.

And not just in Wuhan, China, but also in Europe and on other continents.

In short: the way we treat our animals increases the chances of spreading zoonotic diseases and increases the changes of situations like the current corona outbreak.

The Party for the Animals therefore wants to:

  • ban the trade and consumption of wild animals
  • put an end to long distance transport of animals
  • end factory farming

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