New appointment of Director at Eurostat; Change of mandate for Special Adviser

The European Commission has today appointed the Director for Methodology, corporate statistical and IT services and Chief Information Officer at Eurostat. Also, the European Commission has taken the decision to change the mandate of Special Adviser Mr Horst Reichenbach to Special Adviser - EU member of the Board of Directors in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ERBD).

Following an external selection procedure, the Commission has decided to appoint Mr Emanuele Baldacci for the post of Director for Methodology, corporate statistical and IT services and Chief Information Officer at Eurostat. Mr Emanuele Baldacci has been Head of the Department for Integration, Quality and Research at the Italian Statistical Institute (ISTAT) the since 2011. The date of effect of this decision will be determined later.

Mr Horst Reichenbach will take up the role of Special Adviser - EU Director in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in London. Mr Reichenbach will exercise this mandate as a non-remunerated Special Adviser to the Commission for a period of two years. Mr Reichenbach is currently Special Adviser, Head of the Task Force for Greece. The date of effect of this decision will be determined later.

For more information:

Jakub Adamowicz - Tel.: + 32 229 50595

Andreana Stankova - Tel.: +32 229 57857


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