Dankwoord eurocommissaris Georgieva bij ontvangst prijs "eurocommissaris van het jaar" (en)

Thank you very much, this is unquestionably a great honour. I am the second Bulgarian Commissioner, and the second Bulgarian Commissioner to be awarded by the European Voice. My predecessor Meglena Kuneva was awarded the "European of the Year" Prize some time ago. She is with us this evening.

To those who voted for us, especially those who voted for us in Bulgaria, you have set the bar high for the future Bulgarian Commissioners. They will have to jump high.

I am the Commissioner with the best job, because what I do is to act on the most precious of European values - the solidarity with people in need - at home, but especially abroad. Last year we have touched the lives of 140 million people, suffering from earthquakes, floods, droughts and conflicts. And for that we are very grateful for the support of our citizens who, despite the hardship at home, do stand by those in need. Eight out of 10 Europeans are in favour of humanitarian aid. It is them I owe this award to.

But I am also the Commissioner with the worst job, because there is so much pain and suffering around the world today. In the 21st Century, there should be no kid going to bed hungry - and millions do. I want to thank the European Voice, and in the same time pledge to you and all Europeans that I will work as hard as I can to be where Europe is needed.

In the room with us are three of my staff, and I am going to use them as proxy to thank those who work with me. This award is the collective achievement of a committed and excellent team that includes our colleagues at DG ECHO, the giants on whose shoulders European humanitarian aid rests.

I want to end up with a nod of reflection for the many people who do humanitarian work, often in harsh conditions, many of them Europeans. They are the heroes who deserve your applause. Please join me in thanking them for their service to humanity.

Thank you.